Perspectivas corales para una lectura de Ilíada

  • Daniel Torres
  • Alejandro Abritta
Keywords: choral theory, Homer, Iliad, literacy


The goal of the present paper is to integrate to the reading and interpretation of Iliad the latest studies on its composition. The text begins with a revision of the main positions on the problem in the last decades, paying special attention to the contributions of David (2006). After that, the main ideas of the choral theory are introduced, the utility of which, in the large structure of Iliad, is explored in the second section of the work. Finally, the Iliad’s passage 2.317-320 is analyzed, placing particular emphasis in the use of the word ἀρίζηλος to link the ephemeral with the everlasting.


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How to Cite
Torres, D., & Abritta, A. (1). Perspectivas corales para una lectura de Ilíada. Anales De Filología Clásica, (26), 5-18.