The social construction of state in South America. The cross-border legacy of Jorge Gelman

Keywords: Post-Independence Latin America, social state-building, caudillos, plebeian actors


As a tribute to Jorge Gelman, this article summarizes the results of comparative research on early state formation in three South American countries: Argentina, Peru and Chile. Focusing on the hegemony-restoration efforts conducted by three “caudillo” regimes (those of Juan Manuel de Rosas, Ramón Castilla and Diego Portales), it explores cases of negotiation, inclusion and exclusion of popular actors in a dynamic it has named “social state-building”. It concludes that, starting from a common task of state-formation, the three experiences under inspection applied different strategies and doses of compulsion and seduction, resulting in equally different outcomes in terms of plebeian support and social inclusion.


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How to Cite
Pinto Vallejos, J. (2022). The social construction of state in South America. The cross-border legacy of Jorge Gelman. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (Especial).