Kilómetro cero: la construcción del universo simbólico del camino en la Argentina de los años treinta

  • Anahí Ballent Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. CONICET, Argentina.
Keywords: architectural history, history of the territory, highway and road system, automobile culture


The article focuses on the creation and the initial works of the National Agency for Roads within the Ministry of Public Works in order to examine several aspects of the social process of construction of representations of the road and highway system in the 1930s. In the first place, the article analyzes the agents –aboye all the State and the non government public organizations– and the public polices which intervened in it. Second, it examines the territorial dimension of those representations, taking as its center the relationship between the automobile, the road, and the national territory


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How to Cite
Ballent, A. (2005). Kilómetro cero: la construcción del universo simbólico del camino en la Argentina de los años treinta. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (27), 107-137. Retrieved from