Las viejas cuestiones: empresariado nacional, reforma del Estado y liberalismo en el Brasil en la década del setenta

  • Adriano Nervo Codato Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil
Keywords: State, Enterprise, Liberalism, Bourgeoisie


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the ideological assumptions, the political motivations and the organizational bases of the opposition of the large Brazilian entrepreneurs to State interventionism and their defense of economic liberalism. Taking as an illustrative case the "campaign against nationalization", led by important sectors of the Brazilian bourgeoisie in the Seventies, I intend to clarify both its conservative action and its "instrumental liberalism", hidden under a critical discourse of the form ("authoritarian") and of the function ("interventionist") of the dictatorial State.


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How to Cite
Nervo Codato, A. (2004). Las viejas cuestiones: empresariado nacional, reforma del Estado y liberalismo en el Brasil en la década del setenta. Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (26), 111-142. Retrieved from