Merchants of Buenos Aires and their Trade Networks with Northern Germany (1796-1810)

  • Catherine Aristizábal Barrios Universidad de Hamburgo
Keywords: Merchants, International networks, Proto-industry, Hamburg, Buenos Aires, Textile


The main objective of the article is to analyze the commercial networks between Porteños and Hanseatic traders before the independence. We expect to indicate the broadness of commercial branches with direct networks despite the Spanish Crown commercial monopoly. We also intend to determine the legal channels used by the German merchants to participate with their textile in the Spanish colonial markets. The observation process will be made through strategies used by the Porteños and Hanseatic merchants in the development of their relationships and social commercial networks.


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How to Cite
Aristizábal Barrios, C. (2018). Merchants of Buenos Aires and their Trade Networks with Northern Germany (1796-1810). Boletín Del Instituto De Historia Argentina Y Americana Dr. Emilio Ravignani, (49). Retrieved from