Denouncement, patriarchy, and collective guilt in Wir töten Stella by Marlen Haushofer

  • Ariadna Quiroga
Keywords: culpability; home-prision; maternities; patriarchy


This article aims to account for the way in which family and social relationships are generated in Wir töten Stella (1958) by Marlen Haushofer. Anna´s family somehow represents the entire post-war Austrian society which operates as the recipient of the novel´s main claim. A situated critique of the text will be addressed, in relation to categories typical of a sex-gender perspective with the aim of contributing to the critical reading linked to Studies of Gender and Sexualities around Marlen Haushofer.


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How to Cite
Quiroga, A. (2023). Denouncement, patriarchy, and collective guilt in Wir töten Stella by Marlen Haushofer. Inter Litteras, (5).
Dossier: Géneros y sexualidades en literaturas extranjeras y comparadas