"We organize ourselves in assembly" Female experiences in political deliberation practices

  • Juliana Díaz Lozano


This article reflects on the relationship between female political participation in popular neighborhoods and constructions of subjectivity, taking into account how such participation gravitates on the totality of women’s experience. To do this, deliberation practices that occur in grassroot organizations plotted from the sustainability of life and that promote forms of direct democracy are analyzed. Specifically, based on analyzing the practice of the weekly assembly of neighbors organized in the Popular Front Darío Santillán Corriente Nacional of Villa Argüello neighborhood in Berisso between 2012 and 2017, the modes of participation of women in this space are addressed, but It also studies how they experience the daily tensions and conflicts linked to the gender-gender division of community work, the construction of references, and their place in the practices of political deliberation.


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How to Cite
Díaz Lozano, J. (2021). "We organize ourselves in assembly" Female experiences in political deliberation practices. Mora, (27), 45-72. https://doi.org/10.34096/mora.n27.11094