Tefla Madlouma. Female Resilience and Saharawi Cultural Memory through the Production of an Ethnographically Grounded Music Video

  • Dario Ranocchiari Universidad de Granada
  • Jara Romero Luque
Keywords: Saharawis, Mariem Hassan, music video, audiovisual ethnomusicology, collaborative ethnography


Tefla Madlouma is a song by one of the greatest Saharawi artists, Mariem Hassan. In this song she relates the abuse suffered by a young girl, transforming an individual violence into a metaphor of the conflict ongoing since the Seventies in Western Sahara between Frente Polisario and the Moroccan Army. Tefla Madlouma is considered especially significant for Saharawi women, and it has been chosen by a group of activists of the collaborative ethnography project Sahara Soundscapes for producing a music video. The group included Saharawi and non-Saharawi activists, ethnographers and communication professionals. Beyond its possible contribution to Saharawi struggle, the collaborative and creative process of video-making has been an opportunity to reflect together on women’s role in Saharawi society and culture. In this paper we describe this process, from the recording of a cover of the original song to the final cut, reflecting also on the use, in the collaborative ethnography of musical practices, of “ethnographically grounded music videos”.


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How to Cite
Ranocchiari, D., & Romero Luque, J. (2023). Tefla Madlouma. Female Resilience and Saharawi Cultural Memory through the Production of an Ethnographically Grounded Music Video. El oído Pensante, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.34096/oidopensante.v11n2.12572