Topic theory and Brazilian musicality: Considerations on rhetoricity in music

  • Acácio T. C. Piedade
Keywords: musical topics, thetoricity, musicality, Brazilian music


This article presents an application of the topic theory to the analyses of Brazilian music. It starts with a reflection on the concepts of musicality, friction of musicalities in Brazilian jazz, and the fusion of musicalities that emerges from the invention of tradition. The discussion follows with the question of the adaptability of topic theory to national musics. Then, some musical examples are used in order to present some of the universes of topics of Brazilian music. In this article I argue that the concept of rhetoricity brings good results to the study of musical signification, and that the theory of topics is useful for other contexts than classical music, being an interesting route to the investigation of sociocultural connections in musicalities.


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How to Cite
Piedade, A. T. C. (2013). Topic theory and Brazilian musicality: Considerations on rhetoricity in music. El oído Pensante, 1(1). Retrieved from