The Studies of Tango as Observed from Musicology. History, Music, Lyrics and Dance

  • Omar García Brunelli


Tango is a complex genre, with over a century of history, which accumulates around twenty five thousand phonograph recordings since about 1905. The literature on the subject is very extensive and varied. Hence, it is problematic, at a first glance, to discern what the most relevant texts for its study are. In this article I analyze the literature on the subject and propose a line of approach both thematically and bibliographically. First I consider the need to acquire an idea of the history of the genre; then I provide tools to facilitate selective hearing and musical analysis of such a vast corpus, and to smooth the process of understanding the lyrics and their importance. I also include some comments about the dance, which is one of the great attractions of the genre worldwide. To develop this brief access guide I propose, with a critical view, reading a selection of works dealing with music, lyrics and dance. I just mention those books and articles that contribute to the understanding of the topic from a musical point of view; those which can illuminate our musicological approach shedding light on the literary aspects; and some others that provide us with insights into the relationship between dance and music.


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How to Cite
Brunelli, O. G. (2015). The Studies of Tango as Observed from Musicology. History, Music, Lyrics and Dance. El oído Pensante, 3(2). Retrieved from