Concerning the Heterogeneity of Rock: the Aguante in Heavy Metal in Argentina

  • Manuela Belén Calvo


This article examines the heterogeneity of rock based on the analysis of one of its subgenres: heavy metal in the Argentinean context. The focus is on aguante, a term associated with football fans, which has been used in rock to refer to social and cultural dimensions of this music genre. The term has several meanings. One of these is associated with some form of “resistance”, such as the physical resistance of fans during a concert and resistance in the face of adversity. The aim of this study is to analyze how aguante in Argentinean heavy metal is connected to both the local context of rock chabón and the global tradition of heavy metal. In addition, the article discusses the notion of heavy metal as a musical genre, as determined by its audience and producers, who view it as a separate genre from rock.


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How to Cite
Calvo, M. B. (2016). Concerning the Heterogeneity of Rock: the Aguante in Heavy Metal in Argentina. El oído Pensante, 4(2). Retrieved from