Music, Affect and Wellbeing: A chat with Alicia and Peter

  • Felipe Trotta
Keywords: music, affect, listening, wellbeing


This paper aims to discuss the affects triggered by music and its possible relation to health and wellbeing. The reflections are anchored in a case study on the couple Alicia and Peter, who report a huge nuisance towards imposed music in several situations. Anger, disorientation, tiredness and angst are some of the affects triggered by the forced listening, understood as an act of violence against their ears and bodies. Their negative experience raises issues on the uses of music in everyday life and the impacts of forced listening in individuals’ health and wellbeing.


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How to Cite
Trotta, F. (2019). Music, Affect and Wellbeing: A chat with Alicia and Peter. El oído Pensante, 7(1). Retrieved from