Music and Philosophy (of Music): State of the Question. A Review of Problems, Discussions and Perspectives

  • Carlos Arango Universidad Católica de Oriente
  • Sergio Roncallo-Dow Universidad de la Sabana
Keywords: Philosophy of music, formalism, musical meaning, art music


This work investigates the main problems, discussions and perspectives in which the question of the philosophy of music is currently shaped. It is based on a review of articles published in journals of high impact on the international scene, recovered through the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The analyses are complemented, at times and according to the criterion of relevance, with other publications. The results suggest a field in expansion and specialization that crosses the transition between what we could call the classical perspective of approach to the musical object and the new perspectives, where the frontiers are increasingly fragile between philosophy of music and aesthetics of music, musicology and approaches of the social sciences. As a fundamental approach, it is defended that the themes and concerns that appear in literature are updates of old problems, usually assumed before from formalist rationality, of greater tradition than the more phenomenological and hermeneutic assumptions.


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How to Cite
Arango, C., & Roncallo-Dow, S. (2021). Music and Philosophy (of Music): State of the Question. A Review of Problems, Discussions and Perspectives. El oído Pensante, 9(1).