Sound, Musical and Social Issues in Pandemic and Viralization Times

  • Oswaldo Antonio Rodríguez Reinoso Centro Universitario Tecnológico - Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC) - Grupo de Investigación Filológica UNAH
Keywords: music, pandemic, viralization, sound, virtuality


The conjugation of the terms that give the present research its title requires, on the one hand, the consideration of three aspects and, on the other hand, a necessary condition to take into account. The first of these aspects derives from the nature of the health crisis, its global scope and glocal repercussions on human life. The second, more of a theoretical nature, is that linked to music as a human action, a cultural fact and a consumer product in our (post)modern world. The third, of a methodological nature, is that the correlation presented is not a given reality, but rather that it is happening, and, the condition to keep in mind is viralization. In this sense, and from an interpretative approach, musical manifestations and sound expressions are observed, described and analysed as viralized facts in virtuality in order to give an account of the socio-cultural relations that are established from their circulation according to the theoretical perspectives offered by the disciplines and sciences that make music an object of study. Viralization is presented as a condition that allows us to rethink the discursive in virtuality as well as our existence in it.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Reinoso, O. A. (2021). Sound, Musical and Social Issues in Pandemic and Viralization Times. El oído Pensante, 9(2).