Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The shipment is ORIGINAL: it has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other magazine (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the editor).
- The shipping file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF format.
- Wherever possible, URLs are provided for references.
- The text has a simple line spacing, an Arial Normal font size of 11 points, italics are used instead of underlining (except in URLs), and all figures and tables are placed in the appropriate text places, NOT in the end.
- The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic conditions included in Guidelines for the author, in About the journal.
Author Guidelines
Only articles written in Spanish or in Portuguese are received.
Sheet format: A4.
Margins: Normal (Upper and lower: 2.5 cm Lateral: 3 cm)
Source: Arial
The sheet does not have to have any heading, footer or numbering. Simple and justified spacing is used at both margins.
It is recommended:
- Activate the command "show all" of Word, to verify the spaces between words.
- Pay attention to an article already edited from the magazine.
Title of the article (Arial 14, Bold, lowercase)
First and last name - email (Arial 11, Normal)
Institutional Membership - Department, Faculty, University, Country. (Arial 9, Normal)
First and last name - email (Arial 11, Normal)
Institutional Membership -Department, Faculty, University, Country. (Arial 9, Normal)
SUMMARY (Only Spanish or Portuguese). A summary will be included in the language of the article (Arial 9, Bold, UPPERCASE)
Text: must have in a single paragraph an extension of between 100 and 200 words (Arial 9, Normal)
Keywords / Palavras-chave: Up to 5 (five) keywords will be included, separated by a period, first letter in capital letters and the rest in lowercase. For example: Mobility. Transportation Territory. Latin America. Tourism (Arial 9, Normal)
Article title. The title will be translated into English (Arial 9, Bold)
SUMMARY (English only) A summary will be included in English (Arial 9, Bold, UPPERCASE)
Text: you will have to have a single paragraph of between 100 and 200 words in English (Arial 9, Normal)
Keywords (in Spanish or Portugish): Up to 5 (five) keywords will be included, separated by a period, first letter in capital letters and the rest in lowercase (Arial 9, Normal, lowercase)
Keywords (in English and in Spanish or Portuguis DEPENDIENDO DEL IDIOMA DEL ARTÍCULO): Up to 5 (five) keywords will be included, separated by a period, first letter in capital letters and the rest in lowercase in the language that the article has not been written (Arial 9, Normal).
TITLES. The titles will not have a number at the beginning and will be written according to 4 (four) levels of hierarchy:
Hierarchy 1: TITLE (Arial 11, Bold, UPPERCASE)
Hierarchy 2: Title (Arial 11, Bold)
Hierarchy 3: Title (Arial 11, Italic, Bold)
Hierarchy 4: Title (Arial 11, Italic)
Text body. The indentation should not be used in the body of the article. The paragraphs are separated with a jump (Arial 11, Normal).
Featured words: For words in another language, neologisms or localisms will be used italics. The quotes are reserved for textual citations.
Notes: They will be placed in a footnote and numbers using the word command "insert footnote". Footnotes are restricted to the minimum possible. It will not be used to quote bibliography (Arial 9, Normal).
Appointments paraphrased. For paraphrased quotes the following citation format is used:
(Santos, 1981) │ referring to the full text
Textual quotations. Textual citations of less than three (3) lines are written in the body of the text, in quotation marks, in normal format and the page number / s is indicated. The following citation format is used:
(Santos, 1981: 25), referring to a particular appointment, page number after two points, without leaving space.
(Santos, 1981: 25-30) │ referring to a chapter or topic.
(Santos, Souza and Silveira, 1994) or (Santos et al., 1994) │ full text of several authors. In the case of more than three authors, the abbreviation et al.
The textual citations of more than three (3) lines, are written with left indentation of 1 cm in Normal format, size 9, leaving a jump at the beginning and one at the end. Example:
(...) The crisis of the city is too big as the face of the crisis of nature. The image of the "megalopolis", the continuous, uniform city that will cover the world, also dominates my book. But there are many books that prophesy catastrophes and apocalypse; writing another would be pleonastic, and above all, it does not suit my temperament. What matters to my Marco Polo is to discover the secret reasons that have led men to live in cities, reasons why it may be worth beyond all crises. (Calvin, 1972: 6).
In the case of using bullets, we will go with a full black circle.
Figures. The maps, photographs, graphics, plans, sketches, paintings, formulas, etc., will be taken Figures. It will expressly allude to them in the text and is listed consecutively with Arabic numbers: (Figure 1), (Figure 2), etc.
The author will locate the Figure immediately after the paragraph in which it is mentioned for the first time, in the lowest possible resolution (to facilitate sending by email). Below each figure will be indicated: Figure 1. Title. Source. (Arial 9).
Example: Figure 3. Automotive park in the city of Cuenca. Source: Cunanan (1997).
Likewise, the Figures will be sent separately, in JPG, JPEG, GIF, BMP or TIF formats, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi for color or grayscale. Each file will be named according to the numbering it has in the article: Figure1.gif; Figure2.jpg; etc.
Table. The tables will be located immediately after the paragraph in which it is mentioned for the first time and generated with the "Insert Table" command provided by Word. (Tables made with Excel or other programs will not be inserted as screenshots or images). It will expressly refer to them in the text and will be listed consecutively with Arabic numerals: (Table 1), (Table 2), etc.
On each box you should write: Table 1. Title. Source. (Arial 9).
Example: Table 2. Commercial premises in the City of Buenos Aires, 2016. Absolute values and absolute and percentage variation between both periods. Source: self made.
The data of the tables should be written in Arial 9, Normal (exceptionally you can use size 8) with alignment to the left in the case of words and right in the case of numbers. The headings will be written in Arial 9, Bold.
Clarifications. Indications about the project that funded the research, notes, translations and acknowledgments, will be written in Arial 9, Cursiva, and will be inserted at the end of the article, before the bibliography.
It will be written in a single list, with a jump between the references and ordered alphabetically (Arial 9).
IMPORTANT: The surname will be repeated in case of more than one citation by the same author.
Format for bibliographic references:
Book, thesis, official reports
Author, A. A. and Author, B. B. (YAER). Title of the book. Place: Editorial.
Roccatagliata, A. (2010). The railroads in Argentina. A strategic reflection within the framework of international experience. Buenos Aires: Argentine Transport Foundation. │ Book title in italics. The rest normal.
Macías, M. C. (2003). Étude géographique des mutations du commerce de détail au Mexique. Le cas de la Frontière Nord et de la Ville de Tijuana: exception ou Modèle précurseur ?, Doctoral thesis in Geography, Université de Paris III- Sorbonne Nouvelle. │ Title of the thesis in italics. The rest normal.
Honorable Senate of the Nation (1999). Argentine report on human development 1999. Volume II. Buenos Aires: Commission of Ecology and Human Development, Honorable Senate of the Nation. │ Title of the report in italics. The rest normal.
Chapter of the book
Author, A. A. and Author, B. B. (Year). Title of the chapter of the book. In A. Editor, B. Editor, and C. Editor (Eds.), Book Title (pp. Xxx-xxx). Place: Editorial.
Martner, C. (1999). Transport systems and reorganization of regional labor markets. In I. Caravaca, R. Méndez and J. Revel (Eds.), Globalization and territory: labor markets and new forms of exclusion (271-287). Huelva: University │ Book title in italics. The rest normal.
Journal article, papers
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., and Author, C. C. (Year). Article title. Title of the journal, xx (x), pp-pp.
García Palomares, J. (2008). Incidence in the mobility of the main factors of a changing metropolitan model. Eure, 34 (101), 5-24. │ Title of the journal in italics. The rest normal.
Fantín, M. A. (2006). Analogies and sociodemographic differences of the Argentine-Paraguayan border region. 2001-2002, II Congress of the Latin American Population Association, Guadalajara, Mexico. │ Title of the event in italics. The rest normal.
The volume will be placed in italics and, without leaving space, the number will be included in parentheses and without italics. If the Journal has no volume, the number is written without using parentheses and in italics.
Will not be placed pp. to indicate the number of pages.
Printed newspaper article
Author, A. A. (Year, Month, Day). Article title. Title of the newspaper, pp-pp.
San Martín, R. (2004, February 11). They canceled the university debt. The Nation, 11.
Online newspaper article
Author, A. A. (Year, Month, Day). Article title. Title of the online newspaper, pp-pp. Retrieved from (URL-web page) (dd / mm / yyyy).
De Diego, J. (2018, July 17). To increase the collection, end of non-remunerative benefits. The Commercial Chronicler. Recovered from (05/08/2015).
Surname, A. A. (Date). Page title. Place of publication: Name of the web page. Retrieved from (URL-web page) (dd / mm / yyyy).
Ministry of Defense, Presidency of the Nation. National Geographic Institute. (s / f). Origin of the Name: Why Argentina? Argentina: IGN. Retrieved from (08/22/1997).
Personal communications Private letters, memos, electronic communications (including emails, messages from undocumented discussion groups or announcements), personal interviews, telephone conversations or the like, because they do not provide recoverable data, will not be included in the bibliography. Personal communications will be cited only in text, using the initials and surname of the communicator and providing the date on which it occurred. Eventually, additional information can be provided in footnotes or in a methodological section.
At the end of the article, the name of each author and their email will be inserted again, with a paragraph indicating the abbreviated CV - up to 5 lines - (Arial 9, Normal).
First Name Last Name -
Bachelor in Sociology (University) and Doctor in Geography (University). Teacher and Researcher (University). Published articles in specialty magazines about...
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for their use for other purposes.