Peasant territorialities, mobilities and double residence. Case study in the west of La Pampa (Argentina)

  • María Eugenia Comerci
  • Antonela Lucía Mostacero
Keywords: mobilities, double residence, territorialities, West of La Pampa


The current paper contributes to the discussion about peasant territorialities and mobilities in the west of La Pampa province (Argentina), whose spaces were deprived of their water resources. Thus, we analize two case studies of families that live close to two branches of the Atuel river (the stream of La Barda and Atuel Viejo) and we address farmers mobilities around the double residence town-country. For the production of this research, we used different sources guided by the qualitative methodology. In addition to several field trips to the study area (rural and urban spaces) between 2009 and 2019, we count on testimonies of farmers, public officers and territorial technicians, along with graphic schemes, photographs, cartography and diverse documents that enable the methodological triangulation.


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How to Cite
Comerci, M. E., & Mostacero, A. L. (1). Peasant territorialities, mobilities and double residence. Case study in the west of La Pampa (Argentina). Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (24).