Sustainable mobility as an institution of Commons: the challenge of its inclusion in the public policies agenda of Brazil post- COVID-19 ABSTRACT

  • Anísio Brasileiro
  • Leonardo Herszon Meira
  • Ligia Rabay
  • Natália Cavalcanti
  • Pâmmela Roberta Gonçalves dos Santos
Keywords: covid-19, sustainable mobility, public transport, institutions, common


In 2020, a Forum of public universities, in partnership with social actors, proposed a central question: how to insert the theme of sustainable mobility into the agenda of policy makers, so that their proposals can be implemented? This article seeks in the political science concepts that allow the construction of a narrative robust enough to be politically assumed as an agenda. For this, it is proposed the hypothesis that defines the public spaces of cities as Commons or Common, including public services and urban mobility. By analyzing the importance of institutions and organizations of Society, the identification of interest groups and the role of their leaders and the concept of Commons, we identified evidence that proves the hypothesis. We conclude for the need to rethink the role of the State, which should assume functions of defining guidelines, of constructing a legal framework under the concept of Common, in addition to financing transport services and infrastructures. The management of urban mobility would be carried out by social actors by participatory processes. For this, is essential that political leaders conduct the process to make the agenda feasible with effective participation of society in the management of urban mobility services.


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How to Cite
Brasileiro, A., Herszon Meira, L., Rabay, L., Cavalcanti, N., & Gonçalves dos Santos, P. R. (2021). Sustainable mobility as an institution of Commons: the challenge of its inclusion in the public policies agenda of Brazil post- COVID-19 ABSTRACT. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (25).