El The Social Profile of cyclists in the municipality of Tehuacán, México

  • Rafael Alfaro
  • Adahín Analco
  • Susana Medina
Keywords: bicycle, maquila, cyclist profile, salary, Tehuacán


The objective of the article was to analyze the Social Profile of the Cyclists of the Municipality of Tehuacán. For this purpose, the methodology suggested by the Ministry of Territorial Urban Agrarian Development was partially followed. 400 surveys were applied to cyclists whose this medium as a work tool either to travel to their Jobs or to carry out work-related activities. It was concluded that the profile of the cyclists of the municipality of Tehuacán, is determined by their income, as well as by the region that is part of the social division of labor in México, which has been assigned a role related to the commerce, services and maquila.


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How to Cite
Alfaro, R., Analco , A., & Medina , S. (2022). El The Social Profile of cyclists in the municipality of Tehuacán, México. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (27). https://doi.org/10.34096/rtt.i27.12219