Nodal road freight to relations between Brazil and Mercosur

  • Daniel Monteiro Huertas
Keywords: Road freight transport, circulation, nodal and spatial selectivity, Brazil, Mercosur


In structured analysis from the theory of geographical space, this article aims to demonstrate the peculiarities and territorial dynamics that confirmed the insertion of the nodal axis Uruguaiana-São Borja (RS) and the Foz do Iguaçu (PR) nodal point like centralities of road freight transport geographical network, whose territorial configuration consists of nodals and lines which together express the organization and structuring of this activity in the Brazilian social and spatial formation and show a selective spatial process that privileged certain points and areas in detriment of others, marked by concentration and action of its agents. 


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Author Biography

Daniel Monteiro Huertas
Doutor em Geografia Humana pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Autor do livro Da fachada atlântica à imensidão amazônica: fronteira agrícola e integração territorial (Editora Annablume, 2009), desde julho de 2014 é professor adjunto da Escola Paulista de Política, Economia e Negócios da Universidade Federal de São Paulo (EPPEN/ Unifesp), campus Osasco.
How to Cite
Monteiro Huertas, D. (1). Nodal road freight to relations between Brazil and Mercosur. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (12), 150-166.