Qualidade do serviço e satisfação dos usuários: estudo do sistema de transporte por ônibus em Porto Alegre

  • Evaristo Carvalho Neto
  • Ana Margarita Larranaga UFRGS
  • Shanna Trichês Lucchesi
  • Maria Cristina Molina Ladeira


The quality of public transport services not only affects users' satisfaction with the system, but can also affect their quality of life. Therefore, this study seeks to identify and establish priority quality characteristics of public transport by urban buses that influence user satisfaction in Porto Alegre. So, ordered logit models were estimated to assess user satisfaction in relation to the system’s quality characteristics. The results show that accessibility to transport, service expenses and customer service are the characteristics that most influence users’ satisfaction.


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How to Cite
Carvalho Neto, E., Larranaga, A. M., Trichês Lucchesi, S., & Molina Ladeira , M. C. (2024). Qualidade do serviço e satisfação dos usuários: estudo do sistema de transporte por ônibus em Porto Alegre. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (30), 243-259. Retrieved from http://revistascientificas.filo.uba.ar/index.php/rtt/article/view/12634