Digitization stage for Spanish Port System

  • Nicoleta González Cancelas
  • Beatriz Molina Serrano Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Magdalena Esteban Infantes
  • Francisco Soler Flores
  • Alberto Camarero Orive
Keywords: digitalization, spanish port system, DELPHI panel, SWOT matrix, automation


Currently, we are immersed in the fourth industrial revolution or industry 4.0. The ports are experiencing a process of digitalization, similar to that of other industrial and economic sectors. The objective is automation to make the supply chain more efficient and predictive, also pursuing intermodality and developing a more sustainable management to reduce pollution and gain flexibility and agility. However, this process is not without complexity and problems that make it difficult to implement in the Spanish case. That is why it is the experts’ role to carry out an analysis of the current situation, reflecting on the possibilities and risks that the digitization of the port sector presents in our country. To carry out this analysis we will use a DELPHI panel whose final result will be the realization of a SWOT matrix. In the article the results obtained after the study are collected.


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How to Cite
Cancelas, N. G., Serrano, B. M., Infantes, M. E., Flores, F. S., & Orive, A. C. (2020). Digitization stage for Spanish Port System. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (22). https://doi.org/10.34096/rtt.i22.6377