Trip ganeration centers: case study on the shopping “x” deployment

  • Márcia de Andrade Pereira Bernardinis
  • Bruna Marceli Claudino Buher Kureke
  • Giselle de Fatima Gronovicz
  • Mayara Arboite Joaquim
Keywords: urban mobility, traffic engineering, trip generation centers


The city’s highway system has influence on urban mobility and suffers impacts when it comes to the deployment of buildings, especially those called trip generation centers, buildings that increase traffic in your surroundings. In the case of a center just like a shopping mall, preliminary studies are important, there is a proper planning of the area where this trip generation center will be installed. The objective of this work is to demonstrate the importance of including studies of traffic engineering in ventures that are characterized as trip generation center. Among several studies that are performed for the case in question, are featured in this research study the capacity of track and study the conversion right (which is the movement that causes more inconvenience and accidents), in addition to performing volumetric vehicle counts and pedestrians, interviews applied to users of the mall study and observations in the region. The data collected in the field were processed and presented in tables and graphs and the final format, were proposed some possible solutions. 


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How to Cite
de Andrade Pereira Bernardinis, M., Claudino Buher Kureke, B. M., de Fatima Gronovicz, G., & Arboite Joaquim, M. (2019). Trip ganeration centers: case study on the shopping “x” deployment. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (20), 338-351.