Pedestrian crosswalk respect index: analysis of the behavior of drivers and pedestrians in the administrative region of São Sebastião / Distrito Federal

  • Jonas Bertucci Instituto Federal de Brasília
  • Sanmuel Eduard P. Carvalho Instituto Federal de Brasília
Keywords: Pedestrian crosswalk, Traffic planning and management indicators, Public policies for pedestrian mobility


In this article the behavior of pedestrians and drivers is analyzed through the application of the pedestrian crosswalk respect index in the administrative region of São Sebastião / DF. During this research, 1,119 pedestrian crossings were observed in 56 crosswalks with no traffic light, resulting in a respect rate of 83.2% in São Sebastião, significantly higher than the general average of 57.5% in the Brazilian capital (DF), which seems to be explained by the urban characteristics of each region.


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Author Biography

Sanmuel Eduard P. Carvalho, Instituto Federal de Brasília
Estudante do curso Técnico em Administração do Instituto Federal de Brasília, Brasil. Bolsista PIBIC IFB-CNPq 2018/2019.
How to Cite
Bertucci, J., & Eduard P. Carvalho, S. (2022). Pedestrian crosswalk respect index: analysis of the behavior of drivers and pedestrians in the administrative region of São Sebastião / Distrito Federal. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (26).