Analysis of accessibility to educational centers from mobility surveys: application for the case of Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires

  • Natalia Verónica Neri
  • Carla Galeota
  • Lucila Capelli
Keywords: mobilidade, território, survey, acessibilidade, meninos, meninas, adolescentes


Understanding accessibility challenges is a growing demand for public transport and mobility policies in the Region. This paper describes the methodology used to analyze the accessibility to educational centers for children and adolescents (NNA, in Spanish) in the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires, based on a home mobility survey. In this way, the article proposes to discuss how a household survey can be used for a territorial analysis, revealing its weaknesses and strengths as a methodological tool.


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How to Cite
Neri, N. V., Galeota, C., & Capelli, L. (2020). Analysis of accessibility to educational centers from mobility surveys: application for the case of Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (23), 71-81.