Socio-cultural impact of transformations in the port of Barcelona

  • Maricarmen Tapia Gómez
Keywords: Sociocultural impact, urban transformation, ports, urbanism, Barcelona


The recent transformations in the port of Barcelona have raised the question of the sustainability of these changes, given the strong socio-economic, urbanistic and cultural impact that they have on their immediate surroundings. These projects- as a state-sponsored tool of urban transformation- should be thought out and evaluated in such a way that the changes introduced generate minimum negative impact and the greatest possible economic and social benefits for all the citizens. The consequences that have emerged in the case of the port of Barcelona, and in other Spanish ports, might serve as a guide in the creation of integrated and inclusive projects. 


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Author Biography

Maricarmen Tapia Gómez
Arquitecta (Universidad de Santiago de Chile) y Doctora en Urbanismo (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya). Sus estudios se centran en las dinámicas de transformación urbana. Actualmente trabaja como investigadora en la Universidad de Barcelona, donde colabora en la redacción del Portal Geocrítica. Es asesora de la División de Desarrollo Urbano del Ministerio de Vivienda y Urbanismo de Chile.
How to Cite
Tapia Gómez, M. (1). Socio-cultural impact of transformations in the port of Barcelona. Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (12), 16-29.