Vías hacia los muelles. Vestigios materiales de viejas redes ferroviarias del Pays Bigouden (Francia) y de Coronel Rosales (Argentina)

  • Gustavo Chalier Departamento Humanidades, UNS
  • Bruno Rohou Centre François Viète, Université de Bretagne Occidentale


This article is the preliminary outline of a medium-term study that will give an account of the construction, development and subsequent decline of railway lines that connected with ports in France and Argentina at the beginning of the 20th century and the rich heritage linked to them. Two areas have been chosen for this study because they are the terroirs of the researchers: in France, the so-called Pays Bigouden, located in the southwest of Brittany; in Argentina, the district of Coronel Rosales, located in the southwest of Buenos Aires province. Both regions, of similar size and population, also share the fact that their railways and ports are located far from the nerve centres of power of each country, Paris and Buenos Aires respectively, and are relatively marginal and small in relation to the railway networks of both countries.


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Como Citar
Chalier, G., & Rohou, B. (2023). Vías hacia los muelles. Vestigios materiales de viejas redes ferroviarias del Pays Bigouden (Francia) y de Coronel Rosales (Argentina). Revista Transporte Y Territorio, (29), 113-129. https://doi.org/10.34096/rtt.i29.12620