The making of silence in Idea Vilariño’s poetry (The path of editing)

(El itinerario editor de Idea Vilariño)

  • Ana Inés Larre Borges
Keywords: Idea Vilariño, poetry, edition, anthology


Sheltered, seduced and perhaps even induced by the force of the myth that surrounds Idea Vilariño, critics have payed attention in studying the making of an authorial figure and focused lately on her intimate writing, personal diary and correspondence as much as her poems. This article seeks to address that other great construction of the uruguayan poet that was achieved through a very personal way of publishing her work. Seeks to explore the itinerary of her publications: study her successive titles, the unpublished poems in her archive, and consider her passion for anthologies and the motives and ideas behind that tenacious and deliberate architecture of meaning.


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How to Cite
Larre Borges, A. I. (2021). The making of silence in Idea Vilariño’s poetry (The path of editing). Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 13(13), 21-35.
Centenario de Idea Vilariño