Lectores, autores y editores en los siglos XVI y XVII. El "fenómeno" Ulrico Schmidl

  • Loreley El Jaber
Keywords: Reader, author, editor, colonial travel, 16th and 17th centurias


The present paper analizes the different editions of Ulrich Schmidl´s chronicle, that were published during 16 th and 17 th centuries in Germany, in Jean Theodore De Bry’s and Levinus Hulsius’s collections of travelogues. The aim deals with logics of publications and edition’s politics linked to the reader public of that period, and narrative issues linked to the authorship, like a way of understanding the importance and attractiveness of Schmidl’s story, the unique chonicle about the conquest of River Plate with eight editions between 1567 and 1625. 


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How to Cite
El Jaber, L. (1). Lectores, autores y editores en los siglos XVI y XVII. El "fenómeno" Ulrico Schmidl. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 5(5), 135-143. https://doi.org/10.34096/zama.a5.n5.1147
Dossier. Estudios literarios coloniales: nuevas perspectivas