La lectora de cartas. Imaginarios y prácticas en la Argentina del siglo XIX

  • Graciela Batticuore
Keywords: reading woman, letters, XIX century


The woman reader is a long-standing topic of the Western culture, which is inserted in the debates about women’s education and about the role they are socially called upon to play. Through an abridged corpus of correspondences of early and mid 19th century, and a select repertoire of paintings from different periods and regions, this paper particularly explores the profile of woman reader of letters: their practices and representations in the past, in an attempt to trace a panorama of the intersections between political passion and love passion in Argentina.


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How to Cite
Batticuore, G. (1). La lectora de cartas. Imaginarios y prácticas en la Argentina del siglo XIX. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 7(7), 67-86.