La cuestión del fraseo en el tango

  • Omar García Brunelli
Keywords: tango, phrasing, tanguistic Rubato


In tango, phrasing (fraseo) is a prominent interpretive trait. My aim is to give a definition through the explanations that have been published by musicians, musicologists and vocalists. I begin by bringing the definitions of phrase, phrasing and tempo rubato. Then I explain the origin of fraseo in tango song as coming from the spoken cadence in porteño speech, and the use of this trait in the instrumental tango as well. I propose listening to a tango being performed in different times, from 1928 to nowadays, to perceive the difference of intensity in the applied fraseo. Finally I point out the modification in phrasing in contemporary tango, or even the lack of it, and evaluate the significance of its presence in historic and current tango perfomances. 


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How to Cite
García Brunelli, O. (1). La cuestión del fraseo en el tango. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 7(7), 161-170.
Dossier. Tango: interpretación, autoría y escucha