El espíritu y la letra. Operaciones hipertextuales en <i>El evangelio de Lucas Gavilán</i> de Vicente Leñero

  • Lucas Martín Adur Nobile
Keywords: hipertextuality, Gospel, Leñero


This paper analyses of the hypertextuality in Vicente Leñero’s El evangelio de Lucas Gavilán, according to the transtextuality theory developed by Gerard Genette. The novel is, mostly, a diegetic transposition of the Gospel text, with minimum displacement in relation to language and context. However, the rewriting of the miracle stories incoporates a series of pragmatic transformations, which erases all supernatural components. Thus, Jesucristo Gómez, constitutes a redeemer without healing powers, with an immanent and revolutionary message, in line with biblical interpretations proposed, simultaneously with Leñero, by a number of intellectuals attached to the Teología de la Liberación. 


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How to Cite
Adur Nobile, L. M. (1). El espíritu y la letra. Operaciones hipertextuales en <i>El evangelio de Lucas Gavilán</i&gt; de Vicente Leñero. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 8(8), 49-61. https://doi.org/10.34096/zama.a8.n8.3084