Cambiar la vida: intimidad, alienación, amor y utopía en los poemas de Juan Gelman en los sesenta

  • Cecilia Eraso
Keywords: Argentine Poetry sixties, Juan Gelman, Everyday life, Lover's discourse


Rimbaud’s formula “Change life!” influenced the 20th Century poets as both an esthetical and political slogan. In this paper we consider the ways in which Juan Gelman, who used to quote Rimbaud’s formula, examins that life to be transformed, the intímate everyday life of common people that was so profoundly transformed since the beggining of Modernity. Because love is concibed as an experience that stands against the dehumanized everyday life, the lover’s discourse fusion with the political discourse in order to explore the imaginary via for a “concrete utopía”, in Ernst Bloch words, for that new life. 


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How to Cite
Eraso, C. (1). Cambiar la vida: intimidad, alienación, amor y utopía en los poemas de Juan Gelman en los sesenta. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 8(8), 63-74.