Tinkuy en el <i>Boletín Titikaka</i>

  • Aymará de Llano
Keywords: Avant-garde, Boletín Titikaka, Tinkuy, cultural magazines


The paper studies the literary and cultural magazine called Boletín Titikaka, published in Puno, Peru between 1926 and 1930, led by Gamaliel Churata. The tinkuy is a category of Quechuamara culture (Quechua and Aymara worldview). Our hypothesis is that the tinkuy works as a matrix of thought in the group of intellectuals who built this symbolic space. Bulletin armed responds to the tension that arises in the meetings, disputes, debates and controversy generated by the publication and whose epistemological basis is explained in our article by the operation of this category of the Andean worldview. 


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How to Cite
de Llano, A. (1). Tinkuy en el <i>Boletín Titikaka</i&gt;. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 8(8), 75-83. https://doi.org/10.34096/zama.a8.n8.3086