Nietzsche in the Revista Moderna

  • José Ramón Ruisánchez Serra
Keywords: Nietzsche Friedrich, Revista Moderna, turn of the century Mexican Literature, continental philosophy, positivism


This article explores both the tracts by Friedrich Nietzsche and the essays on his work published by Revista Moderna. This allows me to think the dialog between modernismo and positivism in Mexico, through the figure of the “philosopher-poet” that radically changes the way of expounding his thoughts from that of academic philosophy, and thus allows for the destabilization of the received ideas of the school of Gabino Barreda.


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How to Cite
Ruisánchez Serra , J. R. (2019). Nietzsche in the Revista Moderna. Zama. Revista Del Instituto De Literatura Hispanoamericana, 11(11), 107-118.
Dossier. Revista Moderna. Arte y Ciencia (1898-1903)