Political practices with a gender perspective

Forms of territorial resistance of local men and women from the Lower Delta of the Paraná River, Argentina

  • Gimena Camarero Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Gender studies, Rural Anthropologys, Political Practices, Island Population, Delta of the Paraná River


This article addresses the political practices of women and men who live in islands of the Paraná River Delta focusing on the daily practices of territorial resistance of these members of “islander” families in the defense of their right to inhabit this territory. These practices are organized according to the spaces and roles prescribed by the local gender regime. The essay analyses power relations between genders and the ways in which power is constructed, legitimated and circulated.


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How to Cite
Camarero, G. (2022). Political practices with a gender perspective. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (55). https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i55.10463
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