Coming from the periphery

Limits and distances in artistic practices located in the small city

  • Valeria Re CONICET / UNDAV
Keywords: Small city, Periphery, Exteriority, Artistic practices, Networks


The article approaches artistic practices in a small city. It follows a group of visual artists from different cities in the northwest of the province of Buenos Aires. The paper analyzes how the ways in which members of this group perceive the limits, distances and meanings of what is local affect their perception and positioning as “peripheral” within the field of culture. It is based on interviews with group members and the participation in virtual and in-person activities between 2019 and 2021. The article examines the definition of an inside and an outside of the locality and constructs the category of exteriority as a constitutive part of the social world in which this group of artists is inserted. 


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Author Biography

Dra. en Antropología social (IDAES-UNSAM) y Licenciada en Sociología (UBA). Profesora en la Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda. Becaria Posdoctoral de CONICET. 
How to Cite
Re, V. (2022). Coming from the periphery. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (56), 219-233.