Indigenous peasant perceptions about climate change in the basin of Jovel, Chiapas

  • Denise Soares Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua
  • Antonino García Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, Chiapas
Keywords: Climate change, Farmers, Indigenous, Vulnerability, Frost


This study is a first approach to knowledge and perceptions expressed by indigenous peasants Jovel Basin, located in Los Altos de Chiapas - Mexico, about the local evidence of climate change, especially the change in the frequency and intensity of frost, rain and hail. We are interested in to recover the positions about the impacts these phenomena in their living conditions through the application of semi-structured interviews. The results suggest that in these new times, affected by changes in rainfall, frost and hail, have been put into question known risk standpoint and local indicators of climate predictability.


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Author Biographies

Denise Soares, Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua
Doctora en Antropología. Investigadora del Instituto Mexicano de Tecnología del Agua
Antonino García, Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, Chiapas
Doctor en Ciencias en Ecología y Desarrollo Sustentable. Investigador de la  Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo, Chiapas, México
How to Cite
Soares, D., & García, A. (1). Indigenous peasant perceptions about climate change in the basin of Jovel, Chiapas. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (39), 63-89.
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