Contexts of Social Vulnerability and Health Risks: Tuberculosis in Bolivian Immigrants Who Work and Live in Clandestine Textile Workshops of Buenos Aires

  • Alejandro Goldberg CONICET - Sección Antropología Social, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas. Fac. Filosofía y Letras. UBA
Keywords: Bolivian immigrants, Social vulnerability, Clandestine textile workshops, Situations of risk, Tuberculosis


This paper addresses a specific case within the range of migration processes of Bolivians in Argentina: the young men and women, originally recruited through transnational networks of trafficking in persons, which were reduced to servitude illegally in order to work in clandestine textile workshops of the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (BAMA). Recognizing the complex dimensions of analysis that interact in this process, we particularly focus on social vulnerability contexts and health risks posed by their work and living conditions in workshops. We identify the diverse sufferings these conditions cause, among which tuberculosis infection and transmission.


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Author Biography

Alejandro Goldberg, CONICET - Sección Antropología Social, Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas. Fac. Filosofía y Letras. UBA
Doctor y Master en Antropología de la Medicina (URV). Investigador Adjunto del CONICET en el Instituto de Ciencias Antropológicas-Seanso. Profesor del Seminario Antropología y Migraciones Internacionales (UBA)
How to Cite
Goldberg, A. (1). Contexts of Social Vulnerability and Health Risks: Tuberculosis in Bolivian Immigrants Who Work and Live in Clandestine Textile Workshops of Buenos Aires. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (39), 91-114.
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