Meanings and assessments of care and education in migratory contexts: school and community spaces in the city of Buenos Aires

  • Melina Damiana Varela UBA/CONICET
Keywords: Ethnography, Knowledge, Care, Education, Migration


Drawing on ethnographic research, this article explores practices and meanings related to parenting, education, and care during the early years of childhood. It delves into the knowledge deployed by institutional actors and migrant mothers, analyzing the ways and strategies employed in nurturing and educating within a neighborhood in the south of the city of Buenos Aires, marked by significant inequality. The images about the context, population, and migratory experiences bring forth specificities that enable deeper understanding of the meanings inherent in the caregiving and upbringing methods. This exploration encompasses both school and community interventions, as well as the diverse trajectories of migrant women within the studied context.


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How to Cite
Varela, M. D. (2023). Meanings and assessments of care and education in migratory contexts: school and community spaces in the city of Buenos Aires. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (58), 235-252.