Young improvers. Criticism of the state, politics and the economy in the pandemic generation

  • Pablo Semán UNSAM/CONICET
  • Nicolás Welschinger UNLP
Keywords: Youth, Pandemic, State, Entrepreneurs


This article analyzes the effects of the triple pandemic fracking on the subjectivities of youth from popular sectors. It argues that these effects contributed to the emergence of a youth temperament critical of politics, the economy and the “state of the State” that is born from the concrete experiences that the subjects elaborate in their daily lives and that we will call “betterism”. At the same time, we ask ourselves about the political capitalization of this process by the right-wing forces, particularly in the current juncture by the figure of Javier Milei of the party La Libertad Avanza (LLA). Thus, through the analysis of qualitative materials -focus groups, biographical interviews, participant observations in political events, survey of social networks-, we investigate the youth structure of reception of the interpellation of the libertarian discourse.


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Author Biography

Pablo Semán es sociólogo y antropólogo. Sus investigaciones se han centrado en las experiencias religiosas, musicales, literarias y políticas de los sectores populares. Entre sus libros cabe mencionar Bajo continuo: exploraciones descentradas sobre cultura popular y masiva, Religiosidad popular: creencias y vida cotidiana, así como Gestionar, mezclar, habitar: claves de los emprendimientos musicales independientes (en coautoría con Guadalupe Gallo),  y Vivir la fe: Entre el catolicismo y el pentecostalismo, la religiosidad de los sectores populares en la Argentina. Es investigador Principal del Conicet y Profesor del Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Unsam).
How to Cite
Semán , P., & Welschinger, N. (2023). Young improvers. Criticism of the state, politics and the economy in the pandemic generation. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (58), 29-52.