Emotions on hold: motherhood and consumption of cocaine base / paco in Buenos Aires slums

  • Victoria Castilla CONICET-FLACSO
  • Gimena Lorenzo AGENCIA-IIGG-UBA
Keywords: Drugs, Emotions, Maternity, Poverty, Vulnerability


Based on ethnographic research conducted in a neighborhood of Greater Buenos Aires, characterized by high rates of poverty, vulnerability and marginalization, this paper identifies, describes and analyzes the emotional dynamics, maternal thinking and child rearing practices in women who are intensive users of "pasta base" in relation to their experiences of maternity. The dynamics of this relationship is based on experiences of "maternity hanging feelings" during the intensive consumption ("giras") alternating with emotional distress when they pass the effects of the substance ("bajón") and subsequently the resurgence of feelings of guilty and a deep emotional attachment with their childrens, especially when they start to stop consumption.


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Author Biographies

Victoria Castilla, CONICET-FLACSO
Doctora en Antropología (CIESAS). Investigadora CONICET-FLACSO
Gimena Lorenzo, AGENCIA-IIGG-UBA
Licenciada en Sociología (UBA). Doctoranda en Ciencias Sociales (UBA), becaria doctoral AGENCIA-IIGG-UBA. 
How to Cite
Castilla, V., & Lorenzo, G. (2012). Emotions on hold: motherhood and consumption of cocaine base / paco in Buenos Aires slums. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (36), 69-89. https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i36.1352
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