Construction of political demands of communities Mbyá Guaraní in contexts of nature conservation

  • Muriel Papalia Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Mbyá communities, Political opportunity structure, Global rights, Forestall company, Biosphere Reserve


Based on the analysis of conflict between Mbyá communities and forest enterprises in the Yabotí Biosphere Reserve (Misiones), I outline as references to the nature conservation are integrated by these communities in a process of construction of political demands. These demands are aimed at restoring the place of indigenous representatives to the "Management Committee" of the Yabotí Biosphere Reserve. Communities deepen a "political opportunity structure" entering into alliances with environmentalists and indigenous sectors and questioning to the network of links organized around this category of conservation promoted by Unesco. I reinstate in the analyzed process as is practical tensioned and social categories relating to the political role of the indigenous subjects in "participatory" nature management initiatives, pointing out also as the process communities generate environmentally informed political action modes.


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Author Biography

Muriel Papalia, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Profesora en Ciencias Antropológicas (FFyL UBA).
How to Cite
Papalia, M. (2012). Construction of political demands of communities Mbyá Guaraní in contexts of nature conservation. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (36), 119-150.
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