Effects of "Barrio La Gloria". The "experience of place" and symbolic strategies of the popular classes in the Greater Mendoza

  • Magdalena Tosoni FEEyE, Universidad de Cuyo
Keywords: Social Inqualities, Social division of the territory, Popular classes, Recognition strategies, Gran Mendoza


In this article I search the transformations in urban space and the uses of the place by popular sectors and their organizations in the Greater Mendoza. Housing policies and changes in the housing market have caused the suburbanization of the middle and popular classes and hierarchy of the territories during the last thirty years. In this work we study the case of Barrio La Gloria is located in the southeastern city of Godoy Cruz, an area characterized by the presence of classes. I describe the " experience of the place ", ie, how they live material and symbolic inequalities inhabitants of a crowded Grand Mendoza and analyze the strategies of organizations to accumulate symbolic capital in an area felt insecure by its inhabitants and qualified "dangerou s" by the press.


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Author Biography

Magdalena Tosoni, FEEyE, Universidad de Cuyo
Magister en Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO, Sede México). Profesora Adjunta Departamento Ciencias Sociales, FEEyE, UNCu, Mendoza.
How to Cite
Tosoni, M. (2011). Effects of "Barrio La Gloria". The "experience of place" and symbolic strategies of the popular classes in the Greater Mendoza. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (34), 29-50. https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i34.1378
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