Anthropology and play: notes for reflection

  • Noelia Enriz Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: Game, Anthropology, Theories, Indigenous children, Mbyá


Among different approaches of the social or human sciences, between social phenomena, a particular interest has been submitted about plays and games. Addressed by different disciplines, play has presented great difficulties to be conceptualized, however has remained the desire of inquiry it. The aim of this text is to conceptualize different approaches of game, linked to the development of the discipline. We will address the central authors of anthropology who have contributed to the relations of anthropology and game, and also those areas of research associated with other social science disciplines, which make important contributions to anthropological research. We offer a possible order of the theories, considering centrally pursued objective in its approach of playfulness.


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Author Biography

Noelia Enriz, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Doctora en Antropología Social (FFyL). Becaria Postdoctoral de CONICET.
How to Cite
Enriz, N. (2011). Anthropology and play: notes for reflection. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (34), 93-114.
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