Person, Agency and State: investigation routines in Argentinean federal legal cases

  • Brígida Renoldi Universidad Nacional de Misiones
Keywords: Legal investigations, Agency, Federal courts, State, Bureaucratic decisions


The subject of this article is a Juzgado Federal de Instrucción, where federal crimes are investigated in the city of Posadas (Misiones state, Argentina). I've described, by trying to write from a native perspective, the routines, people, roles, action, evidences, anecdotes, movements, and memories, basically everything that is a part of this environment and that functions as a referential of possibilities. Distinctions between the three powers are realized through the flows and continuities that actually make these divisions impossible to perceive (perhaps because they neither always exist nor do they exist everywhere). I explore a variety of situations and aspects all of which are part of the instrucción , as parts of the decision-making processes, emphasizing the constant creativity that people use and which ends up provoking a chain reaction, escaping the official competence of this authority, yet, at the same time, permitting it to function.


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Author Biography

Brígida Renoldi, Universidad Nacional de Misiones
Doctora en Antropología Cultural por la Universidad Federal de Río de Janeiro, Investigadora del CONICET en la Universidad Nacional de Misiones. 
How to Cite
Renoldi, B. (2010). Person, Agency and State: investigation routines in Argentinean federal legal cases. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (32), 95-120.
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