Pedagogical ecosystems in situations of educational hostility: an exercise in autoethnography and self-reflexive anthropology

  • Luiz Couceiro Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Keywords: Pedagogical ecosystems, Educational hostility, Anthropology of teaching and learning, Ethnography in education, Anthropology in education


I intend to present ethnographic-based arguments about a teaching-learning experience in a university environment to support the validity of the analytical use of the concept of pedagogical ecosystems, to understand situations of educational hostility. In the text, the students' perspectives of understanding are a fundamental part of the discussions, established from specialized literature in anthropology in educational processes, but not only. In this article, I operate in the register of analysis of an exploratory pedagogical exercise of autoethnography and self-reflexive anthropology.


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How to Cite
Couceiro, L. (2024). Pedagogical ecosystems in situations of educational hostility: an exercise in autoethnography and self-reflexive anthropology. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (60), 93-110.