Undone Science and Rice Workers in Uruguay

  • Santiago Alzugaray Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Keywords: Undone science, Research agenda, Knowledge, Social inequality, Power


The following paper presents some discussions resulting from an ethnographic approach to a knowledge construction process developed by a team of university researchers and rice workers. The process emerged from the workers’ demand for greater knowledge about their health situation associated to their work. Emphasis in put on power relations that shape the research agenda and individual and collective strategies in respect of those; in the aspects that led to the discussed process; in the interactions of knowledge that were produced in the process; and in the eventual solution to the workers’ problem.


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Author Biography

Santiago Alzugaray, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
Magister en Ciencias Humanas opción Antropología de la Cuenca del Plata (FHCE UdelaR, Uruguay). Doctorando en Antropología Social (IDAES-UNSAM). Profesor Asistente de la Universidad de la República. Montevideo, Uruguay.
How to Cite
Alzugaray, S. (2016). Undone Science and Rice Workers in Uruguay. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (43), 95-114. https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i43.1920
Dossier - Artículos Originales