Nationality and Migration Status Generating Conflicts and Interpersonal Violence in a Neighborhood of the Urban Periphery of Cordoba

  • María José Magliano Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
  • María Victoria Perissinotti Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
  • Denise Zenklusen Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
Keywords: Peruvian migration, Urban marginality, Interpersonal violence, Insecurity, Córdoba


This paper analyses the implications of national origin and migration status in conflicts that reproduce forms of violence in a neighborhood of urban relegation (Wacquant, 2007), located in the Eastern periphery of Córdoba and mainly inhabited by Peruvian migrants. In addition, it looks into the forms and meanings of insecurity representations in these conflicts —in contexts of social exclusion— through considering the complex and contradictory practices and experiences of the people who live in those spaces. Methodologically, the paper is based on ethnographic research grounded in field observation, which attempts to understand how and why people in particular socio-historical scenarios act, think and feel as they do. It explores a topic scarcely developed yet in migration studies, that is the articulation between interpersonal violence, national origin and urban marginality.


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Author Biographies

María José Magliano, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Doctora en Historia. Investigadora Adjunta del CONICET con lugar de trabajo en el CIECS (CONICET y UNC), Córdoba. Docente de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Coordinadora del Programa de Investigación Multiculturalismo, Migraciones y Desigualdad en América Latina (CIECS-CONICET y UNC).
María Victoria Perissinotti, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
Candidata a Doctora en Antropología (UNC). Becaria Doctoral del CONICET. Maestranda en Antropología (UNC). Licenciada en Comunicación Social.
Denise Zenklusen, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba
Candidata a Doctora en Antropología (UBA). Becaria Doctoral del CONICET. Maestranda en Antropología (UNC). Licenciada en Comunicación Social.
How to Cite
Magliano, M. J., Perissinotti, M. V., & Zenklusen, D. (2016). Nationality and Migration Status Generating Conflicts and Interpersonal Violence in a Neighborhood of the Urban Periphery of Cordoba. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (42), 109-124.
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