“The Indio was a savior for us”. Music, person and individualiza- tion among popular sectors. The case of a rock music fan

  • Nicolás Aliano
Keywords: Music, Popular culture, Fans, Individualization, Popular sectors


Through analyzing the case of a fan of the musician Carlos Solari, this article exploresthe reflective work of self-constitution of fans through their fan practices. This inquiryseeks to characterize a mode of individuation constructed through interaction withthis cultural object. By emphasizing the instance of personal reflexivity, the articleexplores an interpretation of the scene that differs from the most usual ones that focuson the “ritual” character of concerts or the practice of “aguante”. The paper thus aimsto contribute to the analysis of popular appropriation of rock and to the studies ofindividualization processes among popular sectors in contemporary Argentina.


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Author Biography

Nicolás Aliano
Universidad Nacional de San MartínConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
How to Cite
Aliano, N. (2018). “The Indio was a savior for us”. Music, person and individualiza- tion among popular sectors. The case of a rock music fan. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (47). https://doi.org/10.34096/cas.i47.2634
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