The discourses about the drugs and the experiential languages of the consumers in the city of Rio de Janeiro: notes on continuity and discontinuity in drugs use

  • Frederico Policarpo de Mendonça Filho Núcleo Fluminense de Estudos e Pesquisas e do Instituto de Estudos Comparados em Administração Institucional de Conflitos (Nufep/InEAC/UFF)
Keywords: Drug users, Drug market, Experiential languages, Relational context, Transmission of knowledge


It is very common to talk about drug use with the reference to Psychology or Law to tackle the issues surrounding the consumption and trade of drugs. For that reason, categories such as “addict”; ”user”; and “dealer”; are often used in a naturalized way, without any reference both to the context in which they were drawn as to the context of action that account. Thus, they appear as if they were absolute analytical categories.In this paper I present data from some relational contexts of drug users who had access, in an attempt to present the experiential language deployed by them to participate in the drug market. From this description, I´ll show situations where some consumers put questions about their personal consumption, creating the possibility of reconfiguration their participation on the drug market influencing the continuation or not of drug use.


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Author Biography

Frederico Policarpo de Mendonça Filho, Núcleo Fluminense de Estudos e Pesquisas e do Instituto de Estudos Comparados em Administração Institucional de Conflitos (Nufep/InEAC/UFF)
Doutorando em antropologia pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação de Antropologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense. Pesquisador do Núcleo Fluminense de Estudos e Pesquisas e do Instituto de Estudos Comparados em Administração Institucional de Conflitos (Nufep/InEAC/UFF)
How to Cite
Mendonça Filho, F. P. de. (2010). The discourses about the drugs and the experiential languages of the consumers in the city of Rio de Janeiro: notes on continuity and discontinuity in drugs use. Cuadernos De antropología Social, (31), 145-168.